September 2006 Archives

Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:16:54 +0000

Dear postmaster

Now that I have tried to contact you, I can only bow before Wouter's wisdom: platform: said: 552 5.2.2 Over quota (in reply to RCPT TO command)

The failing address was postmaster, BTW. ;-)

While talking to
Recipient: <>
Reason: 550 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown


Posted by Andreas Metzler | Permanent link | File under: misc

Fri, 15 Sep 2006 18:00:31 +0000

Back from Germany

This post actually should have appeared two weeks ago, however losing another free domain and finding and registering a not yet domaingrabbed, short, cheap (i.e.: .de) replacement took some time. The rest of it was taken up catching up on my mail and making a couple of gnutls uploads.

Anyway it was rather nice, Germany is really railway accessible and there is loads of stuff to see. I think we at least crossed all states (except for Bremen) on our ways, but left all B-entities (Bremen, Berlin, Bavaria, and Baden-Württemberg) for later visits. Highlights below:

Moselle Völkinger Hütte
Wolfsburg Amrum
Dresden Eiger

Yes, I know that the last location is not in Germany, but we made it to be on our way. ;-)


Posted by Andreas Metzler | Permanent link | File under: life