April 2008 Archives

Sun, 6 Apr 2008 15:47:27 +0000

snowboarding season 07/08

Today was the last day the local ski resorts were open. I had a rather strange last day with a lot of freshly fallen snow, running off-piste almost the whole day.

Following up on previous entries here is my balance sheet:

number of (partial) days251729
total meters of altitude12463474096219936
# of runs309189503

New highscore! Still puny, compared to what other people manage on one day. I doubt it is possible to do 24500m (81000 ft) in the local resorts, you would need steeper slopes for that. ;-)

Weather/climate was strange. We had an early first snow in the middle of November (about 60cm). Up to start of march no big snowfall followed, but we had (basically the same) snow continuously even down in the valley. Then there was some thawing, and finally more snow. Now that the ski resorts are closing they probably have got more snow up on the mountain than ever this season.

Posted by Andreas Metzler | Permanent link | File under: fun